Canada, U.S., and Michigan: Mapping the Business Landscape

Michigan World Trade Week is a celebration of international trade and business growth for Michigan. Michigan World Trade Week is organized by the U.S. Commercial Service (CS) and Grand Valley State University’s Van Andel Global Trade Center (VAGTC) together with support from the Planning Committee. More on Michigan World Trade Week:

​Join us for a conversation between Consul General Joseph Comartin, from the Consulate General of Canada in Detroit and Maryscott Greenwood, as they discuss the Canadian-U.S. relationship, and its implications for Michigan.

Joseph Comartin was appointed as Canada’s Consul General to Detroit in autumn of 2018, and is responsible for the states of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. His career spans the private and public sectors, and most recently academia.

Maryscott (Scotty) Greenwood is the CEO of the Canadian American Business Council. Greenwood also leads Crestview Strategy US where she serves as Partner and the Managing Director. Scotty is also a member of the Board of Directors of Spartan Bioscience, The Foundation for Art & Preservation in Embassies, and the Future Borders Coalition.