Join us for a moderated conversation with representatives from our international neighbors, Canada, and Mexico, as we look to an eventful time period: a new Mexican president who begins her term on October 1; the coming American election in November; and a 2025 Canadian election. What is on the top of the agendas for our North American global partners and how might that impact us in West Michigan?
Read more about Consul General Bird
Read more about Consul Nicolas Vazquez
Networking from 11:30-12:00, with lunch and program starting promptly at noon.
Note on Parking
Parking is free at the venue.
Tickets are $50 for an individual ticket or $500 for a sponsored table. The deadline to register/cancel is Monday, September 16th and you may purchase tickets below.
Special thanks to the sponsor of this event, Warner Norcross + Judd LLP.