Vandenberg Prize to Ambassador Jon M. Huntsman, Jr.

The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan inaugurated a Vandenberg Prize, to be given to a national or international figure whose efforts to develop global understanding and collaboration are well-recognized and have been influential on the world stage. On January 14, 2020, this Prize was given to Ambassador (ret.) Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., former U.A. Ambassador to Russia, China, and Singapore.

In addition, the Council began the tradition of an annual Hillman-Orr Award to a West Michigan individual who mirrors the intent of the Council’s founding leaders to bring global awareness and international understanding to our community. On January 14, 2020, this Award was given to Ms. Birgit Klohs, president, and CEO of The Right Place.

The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan was founded in 1949 by two Grand Rapidians, attorney (and later Federal Judge) Douglas Hillman and businessman Edgar Orr. They were inspired by the life and work of Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg (1881-1951), an isolationist who became a strong advocate of internationalism in the wake of World War II. Vandenberg forged bi-partisan support for the Marshall Plan and NATO and was appointed one of the first U.S. delegates to the brand-new United Nations. Senator Vandenberg has always been considered the “patron saint” of the Council.

The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan ( is a member of the World Affairs Councils of America of Washington, D.C. (, and grateful to The Meijer Foundation, the Amway Corporation, and Bank of America for financial support and active encouragement for the Vandenberg Prize recognition.